
Tours, Activities and Attractions News – May 31, 2019

Tourpreneur’s Daily Briefing:-

What is the Tourpreneur Daily Briefing?

Shane Whaley online travel veteran and host of the Tourpreneur Podcast sifts through global industry websites, newspapers, magazines, and a variety of other resources to find the “must read” articles for each day, identify relevant job opportunities, and highlight new trends to watch.

He scours the news and curates the best material so you never miss out on the major news in our industry.

Tours and Activities OTA News, Global News, Tech and Digital Marketing News.

Shane Whaley shares some of his motivations in why he created the Tourpreneur Daily Brief.
  • Arival unveil their core values

    We are big fans of Arival and congratulate them on their growth and success in bringing our industry together.  Every interaction I have had with the company as a guest speaker, moderator and podcaster reflect the values they have set out today.  I hope you will join me in supporting their mission.
  • WATCH: HolidayPirates on winning social media and not using Google. HolidayPirates has over 11m Facebook followers and 91% of its traffic is organic. (Ok these are not a tours/activities site but it is still worth listening to their CEO David Armstrong to learn more about their strategy and what we may be able to implement in our marketing. Run time 15.26 mins)

Got OTA/Tech/Global news email us here.

Listen to the latest episode of Tourpreneur, the podcast for tour operators and tour professionals.Tours and Activities in the News

On Episode 10 of Tourpreneur, Ingrid reveals more about her decision to build ATLAS, a comparison tool for booking software reservation providers in the tour and activity sector.

We also ask Ingrid Edstrom what are some of the most common mistakes she sees tour operators making and how they can be avoided. 

The Tourpreneur Podcast is available on all good podcast apps as well as  SpotifyYoutubeItunes,Google Podcasts and always available on Tourpreneur.com

Tours and Activities in the News

Attractions in the News

Career Opportunities – Jobs in Tours

Send us your tour and activities related jobs and we will publish them in the daily brief