
Multi-Day Podcast: Turning Your Social Media Following into a Successful Business

“I had this huge following of people. So when I decided that I’d like to take a tour… I knew that people would want to come because they wanted my experiences of local, authentic experiences, not just tourism…”Denise Carnihan

Turning Your Social Media Following into a Successful Business

On this episode of the Multi-Day Podcast, Denise Carnihan shares her journey from discussing business ideas over drinks, opening up a school in Kenya, writing a book, and embarking on a mission to create authentic local experiences for her followers.

This episode covers:

  • Crafting an authentic experience
  • Working with locals without prior tourism experience
  • Listening to your existing audience
  • Resilience through unexpected challenges

About Denise Carnihan

Denise ventured to Kenya in 2011 to volunteer and over coffee in Nairobi, had the idea to create a small school and had quite the crash course in philanthropy. Denise later wrote a book, gained a following and started creating local experiences out of demand for a more authentic tourism option.